Premise: Catch Up Session - 1

As I haven't posted them before, these are some of my initial sketches for Dorothea (The Fairy Godmother) they are still works in progress and need to be finalised, to look a lot more clean and precise. But I was aiming for a very 1950's esc look.

As my film is heavily inspired by the work of Mary Blair, I decided to mix up my media and try using gouache to paint a concept piece of the Fairy Godmother.

With painting not being my strong suit, I used a book of some of Mary Blair's work as reference, to help me stylise the piece.

It was here I decided I really enjoy adding little details, although I am not keen on the colour choices of some areas, I am still working on the background, which I hope to complete next week. 

I then created some costume designs for the character using procreate.

As well as beginning a big concept piece that I am currently working on. This is currently the rough block out sketch for the layout.

This is a concept piece of Dorothea looking at the pop up book in her tree stump house. I am currently working on the visual development of the pop up book and how each bit may look, still heavily inspired by the work of Mary Blair, however with little details that I like to add along with a cut out, illustrative style.

Here is a drawing i am working on to go in the concept piece and possibly in the final film as a texture onto the pop up bit of the book, of a prince and princess. (incomplete)

I have also began work collaborating my musically talented friend Emma, who has begun working on lyrics for the song. Emma suggested it would be best to sort the lyrics first then work on adding melody and music later. These are the first verses, which could be subject to change. However, this will give a rough idea of what we're starting with.


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