
Showing posts from November, 2018

Toolkit 1: Maya Chicken Coop Part 3

Yr 1: Contexts Written Assignment Online OGR

What If? Metropolis': The City of Formen Final Concept Art

Toolkit 1: Life Drawing Lesson Number 6

'Repulsion' (1965) - Film Review

Toolkit 1: Run Cycle Animation

'What If Metropolis?' Online Green Light Review Part 2

What If Metropolis?': The City of Formen Thumbnails 97-99

Formen: The City of Forms - Travelogue

Toolkit 1: Maya and Mudbox Texturing

Toolkit 1: Life Drawing Lesson Number 5

What If Metropolis?': The City of Formen Thumbnails 86- 96

What If? Metropolis': The City of Formen Thumbnails 81- 85

'Black Narcissus' (1947) - Film Review