Premise: Catch Up Session - 2

Following on from my last catch up session, I have managed to complete this concept piece of the prince and princess pop up that will be one of the illustrations in Dorothea's book in the short.

This is a close up:

The song is coming along, Emma and I have been conversing on the different verses, with me adding in different words or lines that could be changed to fit in more with the short, discussing different ideas. Once the lyrics have been completed decided upon, the tune and melody will then be added.
Below is the different annotations I added and sent to Emma to alter:

I've set out ideas of what my making of/art of could look like including the layout of the pages. I've decided it is themed around a fairy tale storybook, with a spine and pages etc, reminiscent  of the books shown in the early Disney films, such as Snow White, Sword In The Stone, and Sleeping Beauty. I would like each title page to have a grand illustrative capital letter at the start, as shown in the 5th image along from the second row up of reference images. I would also like to maintain that illustrative patterned design throughout.

I decided that i would like to have a studio name, that would fit with the same theme as the (unnamed) short, so I went with the name Misspelled Studios, and was debating for a while if i should actually put Mispelled instead of Misspelled, however settled on the latter. I went with a wand as the supporting illustration within the logo, just to add a whimsical touch linking back to magical themes of the short. I have also been thinking about possibly animation the hand to grab the I and then have the magic star glow, as an animated logo before the short.
This is the cover title page for the making of so far (also a work in progress) I'm not set on anything yet, and have just jotted some little bits down, however I'm planning on having a drawing of Dorothea on the front along with the title, with various details around it sort of framing the drawing. This is just showing that I've began considering what the front may look like.

I have also began work on a gesture page from the making of book, I made the background to look as if its a page from a book and sort of worn down a bit. I am planning on adding more later, however this is just a work in progress.

I have also created a designs page where I am creating the designs for her outfit, I found it fitting to add an illustration of Dorothea in her 50s night wear creating her outfits I am designing. This is not complete just yet however this is the start.

This is an illustration i'm drawing of Dorothea, which I'm thinking could be an illustration of her within the short, or even as a tapestry piece. I was hoping once working out the pose and some of the background elements I would be able to create paper art of the piece, to go along with the painting I created a few weeks ago.


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