Invisible Cities: Reflective Statement

Reflecting back on the 'Invisible Cities' project, I feel that although I planned in which order I was going to do tasks, and when, I highly underestimated how long each task may take. For example, doing the thumbnails was easy for some cities as I already had a few ideas when reading. However, others were a bit more of a challenge having less of a description. 
I also learnt that getting writing tasks completed first makes the process much easier, and I am thankful that I had completed them first as I would not have completed all set tasks on time.

When looking back on my final paintings, I realise that I could of illustrated different elements of the concept art more to make it clear to the viewer what each item is. A prime example of this would be on my low angle exterior shot containing a pink bunch of flowers. I could have created more contrast within the flowers to make the different petals and leaves clear rather than appearing like a blob of pink, which then distracts the viewer due to the contrast between the cooler tones surrounding the flowers.

I also feel like I could of incorporated more of my architectural research of Greek architecture, including more of their structures and shapes, along with this I believe I could then go onto creating a concept piece of their temple, and what it contains.

However, I feel that i kept consistent with my style and colour palette within all of my concepts, though I feel like i could have spent more time on my establishing shot, as it doesn't quite convey how I wanted the city to appear, with the pipes making the city look far back and not having as much detail as the city itself.

If I had longer, I would try to sort out my interior shot, with the ceiling as there is just a white line going across instead of arcs, which throws off the concept. Along with this I would also draw the various different people in for my exterior low angle shot rather than just having silhouettes, just to add more detail.

Overall, the project I feel went alright, my process was a bit rushed towards the end due to poor time management, in calculating how long different tasks may take. Yet, I feel like with time I will become much more organised with such matters and hopefully not have so much of a rush when it comes to the next project.


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