'Metropolis' (1927) Film Review

This is my film review of Metropolis (1927) by Fritz Lang, where I focused around the subject of gender and how each was shown throughout the run of the film.


  1. Hi Shannon!

    A couple of little pointers for this review - firstly, the dreaded apostrophe! Nit-picking I know, but just proof read before posting ...you have a couple of omissions, 'Marias important presence' and 'Freders world' for example.

    From a presentation point of view, I would suggest not wrapping the text around the images, but making the images bigger and centralising them. This makes it easier to read the text, and lets the reader have a good look at the image.

    Be wary of using quotes from blogs; it is very likely that the article was written by another student, and really you need to be using more recognised and reputable sources - always go back to the home page and get a feel for how scholarly the source is!
    Don't worry about editing this review, just take the advice forward to the next one!

  2. Thank you Jackie, I will do next time! :)

  3. What impresses here is your commitment to writing and shaping a written text - this is clearly not a 'dashed off' response and it shows. I think you give too much time perhaps to the plot synopsis here - beware giving your energy to re-writing the plot of a film; keep your synopses short and sweet. I like all the analysis of the scenes you give here, but my overall impression is you need to tighten up your focus a bit: this review could be shorter and more focused. That said, you're clearly seeking to use your quotes proactively and reflect on their content. It's clear that a '1000 word count' is not going to be any issue for you, so where I want you to concentrate your efforts next time is on making your analysis evidence-rich and pushing your reading around the subject a little harder. Very encouraging however :)


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