What If? Metropolis: Let's Try Again

Ok, so I decided to go away and take in the critique I had been given from crit day and try to work on the final look of Formen.
One of the main points that was made, was that the world surrounding my city didn't match the Tony Cragg style of the city, and that it was aiming towards realism.
I then decided to redesign the surroundings by going back to Cragg's work for inspiration, specifically looking at his use of lines to create forms within his sketches of sculptures.

From this, I decided to use his sculptures as the basis for the surrounding elements, turning them into trees etc, so the geometric shapes merge with the rest of the scene. Along with this I also included all of those lines that he had used in his sketches, to get rid of the realistic look the scene had before. I feel more content of this version as I feel it fits more with my collaboration artist.
I also have this other version of the scene with different lighting :)
(I also changed some of the composition of the surrounding objects)


  1. Well done, Shannon - so impressed by you and by this! This is much improved, making so much more visual sense. Gold star!

  2. This looks amazing! I love how you did the water as well :)


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