2000 Word Contexts Essay OGR


  1. OGR 02/03/2019

    Hey Shannon - okay, so in broad terms this looks coherent, though I think there are some issues of proportionality in terms of the room you're giving to the 'front' and the 'back' of your assignment. I think you need to spend more academic time with 'Orientalism' as a more broad context and with the foundational ideas of Edward Said. It is the base of everything that comes next and I'd argue that one paragraph is going be insufficient in terms of identifying its principle characteristics for the reader before your more detailed reading of Aladdin begins. I'd suggest you could include examples of Orientalism that are 'not' Aladdin in terms of the visual arts at the beginning of your assignment in order to demonstrate your knowledge of 'what it looks like' and 'how it functions. I think you could dedicate 2-3 paragraphs to defining/explaining Orientalism and focusing in a more technical sense on Said's ideas. Once you've done this, you can then produce a more joined up analysis - i.e. when you talk about a specific moment in Aladdin, you can refer back to Said's own ideas - so you might say something like... 'The character design of Jafar is an exemplar of what Said described regarding depictions of the Arab world etc...' It's that sense of you 'using' Said's ideas in a proactive and ongoing way throughout the assignment - as opposed to 'ticking him off' in that first paragraph.

    The other area I'd suggest you look at in terms of ratio of paragraphs is your discussion of the re-boot: I know this is tricky because it's not out yet, but there's been enough about it in terms of the casting etc to ensure you can continue your debate. At the moment, the remake feels like a bolt-on as opposed to a 'destination' for your assignment - I think the reader needs to feel as if you've been building up to this comparison with a specific purpose.

    In terms of your title - it's 'effect' not 'affect' and I'd suggest 'live-action' remake as opposed to 'reboot'.


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